
Atlantic Provinces Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Tupper Medical Building, Theater A, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website three months prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at www.acponline.org/about-acp/chapters-regions/canada/canadian-chapters/news-meetings. For more information contact: Domenica Utano at email domenica.acpcanada@gmail.com. Event start

Medical Informatics Committee Conference Call

Contact: Samantha Stimpert SStimpert@acponline.org Event start

Council of Subspecialty Societies Meeting

Location: Washington, DC Contact: Katherine Rapp krapp@acponline.org Event start

Governance Committee Webinar

Contact: Lauren Cruz lcruz@acponline.org Event start

CSS Summer Webinar

Contact: Genna Hewett-Abbott ghabbott@acponline.org Event start

High Value Care Task Force Webinar

Contact: Trish Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Clinical Guidelines Committee

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Trish Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Chapters Subcommittee Webinar

Contact: Keirston Scott kscott@acponline.org Event start

Medical Informatics Committee Call

Contact: Samantha Stimpert sstimpert@acponline.org Event start

Medical Informatics Committee Tentative Workgroup Webinar

Contact: Samantha Morrow smorrow@acponline.org Event start
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