
SGIM Annual Meeting, Ontario

SGIM Annual Meeting, Ontario Event start

Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana Event start

Rhode Island Chapter Scientific Meeting - POSTPONED

The meeting will be held at the Alpert Medical School at Brown University, in Providence. Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at richapter.acponline.org. For more information contact Roni Phipps @ riacpinfo@gmail.com. Event start

Medical Informatics Committee Webinar

Contact: Josh Serchen jserchen@acponline.org Event start

Women in Medicine Webinar: Imposter Syndrome

Contact: Erica Viviani eviviani@acponline.org Event start

CSS DEI Task Force Webinar

Contact: Joanne Ey jey@acponline.org Event start

Council of Student Members Remote Meeting

Contact: Patricia Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start

Patients Before Paperwork Webinar

Contact: Susan Koger skoger@acponline.org Event start

Society of Hospital Medicine)

Las Vegas, NV Event start
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