
MKSAP 19 Infectious Disease Kick-off Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Kim Kerns kkerns@acponline.org Event start

Executive Committee Board of Regents Meeting

Location: Philadelphia, PA Contact: Meghann Williams mewilliams@acponline.org Event start

IMSHAN Winter Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Monica Lizarraga mlizarraga@acponline.org Event start

Governance Committee Webinar

Contact: Florence Moore fmoore@acponline.org Event start

BOR Webinar

Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

Presidential Inauguration Day

Presidential Inauguration Day Event start

National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly

Philadelphia Marriot Downtown and Convention Center Event start

BOR Planning Retreat, Longboat Key Club, Longboat Key, FL

BOR Planning Retreat, Longboat Key Club, Longboat Key, FL Event start

Council of Subspecialty Societies Meeting

Location: Washington, DC Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

ACP Town Hall Webinar

Contact: Alaina Billing abilling@acponline.org Event start
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