
Performance Measurement Committee Webinar

Contact: Patricia Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Awards Committee Webinar

Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

Performance Measurement Committee Meeting

Location: Phil_CR4A, ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Trish Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

AMA Group of 4 Meeting

Chicago, IL Event start

MKSAP 19 GIM II (General Internal Medicine II) Committee Kickoff Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Kim Kerns kkerns@acponline.org Event start

Board of Regents Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

IM-ITE Final Review Meeting Webinar

Contact: Kim Kerns kkerns@acponline.org Event start

Colombia Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Centro de Convenciones de Cartagena de Indias in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website three months prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at www.acponline.org/about_acp/chapters/colombia/news_meet.htm For more information, visit https://www.acmi.org.co/ . Event start

2017-18 1st Pre-Committee Appointment Webinar

Contact: Margaret Wehmeyer mwehmeyer@acponline.org Event start
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