
Council of Student Member (CSM) Webinar

Contact: Patricia Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start

ECBOR Meeting

Epic Hotel, Miami, FL Event start

Eid al-fitr (Observance begins at sundown)

Eid al-fitr (Observance begins at sundown) Event start

Council of Resident/Fellow Members (CRFM)

June Webinar

Contact: Patricia Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start


Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Mary Bieter mbieter@acponline.org Event start

Chile Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Centro Eventos Club Manquehue in Santiago, Chile. Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website three months prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web www.acponline.org/about_acp/chapters/chile/news_meet.htm For more information contact Joan Murdoch at 56-2-753-5501 or e-mail smschile@smschile.cl Event start

Society of General Internal Medicine

San Diego, CA Event start

Board of Governors Meeting

Location: Chicago, IL Contact: Kelley Gordon kgordon@acponline.org Event start

Education and Publication Committee Webinar

Contact: Mary Catherine Snyder msnyder@acponline.org Event start

ECBOR Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start
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