
Clinical Guidelines Committee Webinar

Contact: Patricia Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

January 2021 ECBOG Webinar

Contact: Julie Sinkoff jsinkoff@acponline.org Event start

Scientific Medical Policy Committee Webinar

Contact: Patricia Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Board of Regents & Board of Governors

Combined Meeting

Location: Philadelphia, PA Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

Board of Governors Conference

Location: Philadelphia, PA Contact: Mary Bieter mbieter@acponline.org Event start

Dr. Weinberger Staff Retirement Party

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Laura Yancavage lyancavage@acponline.org Event start

Women in Medicine: Social Media Webinar

with Dr. Shreya Trivedi

Contact: Alaina Billing abilling@acponline.org Event start

ACP Master Clinician Task Force Conference


Contact: Cyndi Lunsford clunsford@acponline.org Event start

Chapters Subcommittee Webinar

Contact: Keirston Scott kscott@acponline.org Event start

January Medical Informatics Committee

Conference Call

Contact: Disha Patel dpatel@mail.acponline.org Event start
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