In the Clinic is a monthly feature in Annals of Internal Medicine that focuses on practical management of patients with common clinical conditions. It offers evidence-based answers to frequently asked questions about screening, prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and patient education and provides physicians with tools to improve the quality of care. All ACP members and Annals subscribers have full access to this content.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a prevalent disease that increases risk for vascular, renal, and neurologic complications. Prevention and treatment of T2D and its complications are paramount. Many advancements in T2D care have emerged over the past 5 years, including increased understanding of the importance of early intensive glycemic control, mental health, social determinants of health, healthy eating patterns, continuous glucose monitoring, and the benefits of some drugs for preventing cardiorenal disease. This review summarizes the evidence supporting T2D prevention and treatment, focusing on aspects that are commonly in the purview of primary care physicians.
Best Practices in Caring for Seriously Ill Patients
Palliative care (PC) is the art and science of providing goal-concordant care, skillfully managing complex and refractory pain and nonpain symptoms, mitigating suffering, and augmenting quality of life for seriously ill patients throughout the course of the illness trajectory. The primary team should provide generalist PC for all seriously ill patients and know when to refer patients to specialist PC. Specialty-level PC services should be reserved for complex problems beyond the scope of primary PC. This article reviews principles and best practices to support patient-centered PC.
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