Internists Express Support for CMS on its Patients Over Paperwork and Meaningful Measures Initiatives
Washington (October 31 2017)—In a letter sent today to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma, the ý (ACP), expressed support and appreciation for the new initiatives recently announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to put “Patients Over Paperwork” and to ensure that the agency is using “Meaningful Measures” in all of its programs, including the Quality Payment P
An integrative approach to managing chronic pain can help solve the opioid crisis
Medicare to Curb Reporting Requirements for Doctors, Hospitals
Internists Encouraged at Administration’s Acknowledgment that Opioid Crisis is a Public Health Emergency
October 26, 2017
Attributable to:
Jack Ende, MD, MACP, President, ý
How to Improve Medicare Advantage; ACA Open Enrollment Nears
What to know about Trump's decision to halt Obamacare subsidies
ACP to Docs: It's Time to Talk About Guns
The Latest: Trump cuts off insurers, rattling health market
America’s Frontline Physicians Urge Immediate Reversal of Decision to Discontinue CSR Payments
Washington, DC (Oct. 13, 2017)— Our organizations, which represent more than 560,000 physicians and medical students nationwide, are alarmed by the President’s decision to abruptly take away financial support that aids low-income families in purchasing health care coverage. The decision to discontinue cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments stands to hurt the most vulnerable individuals and families, raising cost for them and the federal government.