
Awards Committee

Location: ACP Headquarters. Philadelphia, PA Contact: Meghann Williams mewilliams@acponline.org Event start

Council of Student Members Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Patty Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start

Academic Internal Medicine Week

Academic Internal Medicine Week Washington, D.C. Event start

American Society of Hematology

San Francisco, CA Event start

Annals Strategic Planning Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Nancy O'Connor noconnor@acponline.org Event start

CMSS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

CMSS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC Event start

BOR Winter Webinar

Contact: Margaret Wehmeyer mwehmeyer@acponline.org Event start

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Event start

Colorado Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO. Program and meeting registration should be available on the chapter website three months prior to meeting. Check the Chapter's Web site at www.acponline.org/about_chapters/co/news_meet.htm. Register online at https://store.acponline.org/ebizatpro/ProductsandServices/Meetings/MeetingDetail/tabid/55/Default.aspx?ProductId=23380. For more information contact: Christine Westbrook, e-mail: cochapteracp@msn.com Event start

Medical Informatics Committee Webinar

Contact: Samantha Stimpert sstimpert@acponline.org Event start
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