
Chapters Subcommittee Webinar

Contact: Cyndi Lunsford clunsford@acponline.org Event start

CSS 2020 PFS/QPP Proposed Rule Discussion

Contact: Josh Serchen jserchen@acponline.org Event start

BOR Webinar

Contact: Maxine Topping mtopping@acponline.org Event start

EPHRC Conference Call

Contact: John Haefele jhaefele@acponline.org Event start

TCPI SAN Grant Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Bridget Gawinowicz bridgetg@acponline.org Event start

Council of Student Members Webinar

Contact: Patty Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start

Subspecialty Advisory Group on Socioeconomic Affairs (SAGSA) Call

Contact: Brooke Rockwern brockwern@acponline.org Event start

ACP Leadership Academy Webinar: Wellbeing

for Mid to Late Career Physicians

Contact: skoger@acponline.org skoger@acponline.org Event start

New Regent and Chair/Vice Chair Orientation Webinar: Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½

Contact: Amy Allen Collins aallen@acponline.org Event start

Education and Publication Committee Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Mary Catherine Snyder msnyder@acponline.org Event start
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