
Clinical Guidelines Committee

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Trish Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Travel Day

Travel Day Event start

ACP/AAIM Joint Leadership Meeting

Philadelphia, PA Event start

AAIM-ACP Education Leadership Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Mary Catherine Snyder msnyder@acponline.org Event start

Medical Practice and Quality Committee Meeting

Location: Washington, DC Contact: Disha Patel dpatel@mail.acponline.org Event start

Clinical Guidelines Committee Meeting

Location: ACP Headquarters Philadelphia, PA Contact: Mary Kay Crowther marykay@acponline.org Event start

Kentucky Chapter Scientific Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Lexington Marriott Griffin Gate in Lexington. Program and meeting registration should be available three months prior to meeting. Check the chapter website at kychapter.acponline.org. For more information contact: Megan Milburn at email kyacpstaff@gmail.com Event start

Yom Kippur (Observance begins at sundown)

Yom Kippur (Observance begins at sundown) Event start

ACP Master Clinician Task Force Webinar

Contact: Cyndi Lunsford clunsford@acponline.org Event start

QI Learning Collaborative Task Force

Location: Washington DC Contact: Clare Sipler csipler@acponline.org Event start
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