
Professional Development and Fulfillment

Contact: Jessica Drass


Event start

Registration open for Clinical Skills Center's hands-on learning opportunities

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ACP Lastest Link Type
I.M. Matters Weekly

Researchers discuss navigating diagnostic challenges of nonserogroup-1 Legionella pneumophila pneumonia

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ACP Lastest Link Type
Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases

ACP expresses support for potential CMS model that sets $2 copayment for common generic drugs

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Advocate

Final continuing resolution fails to address medicare physician fee schedule reimbursement cut, other health care priorities

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Advocate

Travel distance to lung cancer screening facilities varies by race/ethnicity of communities

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ACP Lastest Link Type
Annals of Internal Medicine

Antibiotic Use in STI Prevention and the Global Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance

External URL
ACP Lastest Link Type
Annals Fresh Look

Professional Development andFulfi llment

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia PA

Contact: Jess Drass


Event start
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