

Induced abortion is safe and common and reduces pregnancy-related maternal morbidity and mortality. Internal medicine physicians are uniquely positioned to counsel patients on their pregnancy options, assess medical risks of pregnancy in the context of comorbidities, refer patients for abortion care when the patient desires it, or provide abortion care themselves. Clinicians can also provide anticipatory guidance on what to expect if patients seek abortion care.

Use this to:

  • Consider your views on internal medicine physicians' role in abortion-related care. Should abortion be a required component of training?
  • Consult a hospital attorney to learn the legal status of abortion in your state.
  • Consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to learn methods for estimating gestational age and to review the procedures for abortion referral at your institution.
  • Role-play patient counseling before and prescription of medication abortion.
  • Test your knowledge by completing the quiz that accompanies the article.

In the Clinic is a feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes practical reviews about the management of common clinical conditions.

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