
Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Prediction Model for Incident Coronary Heart Disease Using Genetic, Social, and Lifestyle–Psychological Factors: A Prospective Analysis of the UK Biobank

(from January 2025 Annals for Educators)

Frequently used models for predicting coronary heart disease include the pooled cohort equation and the PREVENT equation in the United States and the QRISK3 equation in the United Kingdom. This article examines whether adding information about genetic, social, lifestyle, and psychological factors to these equations improves their ability to predict coronary heart disease.

Use this to:

  • Review the components of the PREVENT and QRISK3 equations.
  • Consult a cardiologist to discuss the risk assessment tools used at your institution. Are any risk calculators embedded in the electronic health record?
  • Consider whether the improvements in risk classification observed in this study warrant adding genetic, social, lifestyle, and psychological factors to routine risk assessment. If so, how would these additional data be collected?

Annals for Educators is a Web Exclusives feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes activities using selected Annals articles to help medical educators in their teaching activities.

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