Once a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, maximizing uptake and coverage will be important. This national survey explored factors associated with vaccine hesitancy. The results suggest that multipronged efforts will be needed to increase acceptance of the vaccine. The editorial discusses why closing the intention-to-behavior gap is likely to have population health benefit.
Use this and to:
- Ask yourself if you plan to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available (if you haven't received it already). Are you hesitant or eager to be vaccinated?
- Think about the various vaccines that have become available or are under study in clinical trials. Dr. Anthony Fauci summarizes COVID-19 vaccines in the video accompanying .
- Think about the difference between FDA approval and Emergency Use Authorization. Dr. David Kessler explains these FDA processes in the video accompanying .
- Ask yourself about the types of patients you have found to be generally hesitant to receive vaccines. What strategies have you found helpful to encourage patients to get vaccinated?
- What do you think about the editorial's argument that we should focus initial efforts on making sure that people who are willing to be vaccinated actually receive the vaccine before devoting effort to trying to change the minds of people who are hesitant about vaccination?
Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine academic journal published by the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world.