Each of our retired officers has chosen to support an ACP philanthropic priority that reflects their view of ACP’s potential to impact medicine. Honor their commitment to ACP by donating to ACP in recognition of their leadership.

Omar T. Atiq, MD, MACP
Immediate Past President
Dr. Atiq joined ACP to “be a part of the most dedicated, patient centered and progressive professional organization of physicians in the world.” ACP’s public policy initiative seeks to strengthen our grassroots advocacy network to lift the collective voice of internal medicine and continue to do work that makes physicians, like Dr. Atiq, proud to be a member. Honor Dr. Atiq’s legacy with a gift to our Public Policy Initiative.

Eileen D. Barrett, MD, MPH, SFHM, MACP
Immediate Past Chair, Board of Regents
Dr. Barrett is committed to advancing, supporting, and amplifying the voices of physicians. ACP does just that, as we focus on career development for early career physicians, creating leadership opportunities for diverse groups. Honor Dr. Barrett by donating to our Career and Professional Development Initiative.

Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, FACP
Immediate Past Chair, Board of Governors
Dr. Radhakrishnan’s areas of professional interest and expertise include chronic disease and health equity, aligning with ACP’s commitment to health equity. Recognizing that obesity is a condition that underlies many chronic diseases and often derives from systemic health inequities, ACP is investing in new programs to reduce the impact of obesity in our society. Honor Dr. Radhakrishnan by donating to our Equity Initiatives to Reduce Obesity.