
U.S. Air Force Chapter College Awards

2024 Chapter Excellence Award – Silver Winner

Chapter Excellence Award Bronze We are pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Silver Level of the 2024 Chapter Excellence Award! Only 15 chapters received the Silver Award. The award recognizes chapters that achieve excellence in chapter management. In order to achieve the Chapter Excellence Award, chapters must meet nineteen Bronze criteria and seventeen Silver criteria. Criteria include such activities as undertaking efforts to increase advocacy efforts, collaborating with stakeholders to increase visibility of the ACP, holding competitions for members, providing chapter financial reports to members, having Medical Student and Resident/Fellow members on the Governor's Advisory council, retaining transitional and unpaid members, giving awards to chapter members.

We would like to extend a special thanks to those chapter members who assisted us in all of these endeavors! For their hard work and dedication, we received this award.

U.S. Air Force Chapter Receives a 2021 John Tooker Evergreen Award

The John Tooker Evergreen Awards Program provides recognition and visibility to chapters that have successfully implemented programs to increase membership, improve communication, increase member involvement, enhance diversity, foster careers in internal medicine and improve management of the chapter. The U.S. Air Force Chapter received a 2021 John Tooker Evergreen Award for their initiative, Back to the Future: Re-Tooling Military Medicine for the Virtual Age.

Back to the Future: Re-Tooling Military Medicine for the Virtual Age

The U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy Chapters held a Tri-Service Chapter Meeting for the first time in ten years. Plans for a face-to-face meeting in San Antonio were revised in May when it was clear that the COVID-19 pandemic would not be controlled in a manner that would allow a large face-to-face event. The Tri-Service Chapter Meeting Planning Team reviewed the planned two-and-a-half-day agenda (with a procedural skill pre-course) and revised it to a three-day (5 hours per day) virtual meeting. Keeping all of the elements that are important to their members, the 3 Chapters conducted asynchronous Abstract Competitions with live Research Abstract Competitions, Faculty Development in conjunction with the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Subspecialty Breakout Sessions highlighting updates in IM subspecialties and spotlighting the work of resident and fellow members, a plenary Thieves' Market and two special breakout sessions devoted to Operational (Military) Internal Medicine and Women in Medicine.

Other Air Force Chapter Evergreen Awards: 

  • Ohio and Air Force Chapters Collaboration on 2015, 2016 Chapter Meetings