
Chapter Governor, Edwin A. Alicea, MD, FACP

Edwin A. Alicea, MD, FACP

Medical School Education: Medical Science Campus, School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico

Post-Doctoral Training: Internal Medicine; Pulmonary Diseases

Board Certifications: Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine

Present Employment Position: Attending Physician, San Juan VA Caribbean Healthcare System

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Member, Puerto Rico Chapter since 1992; Treasurer, Council since 2004 (maintain all regulatory documents up to date and
maintain excellent accountant practices); Past Member, Organization Committee; Past Member; Scientific Committee; Due to this and other novel activities the Puerto Rico Chapter received the 2019
Chapter Excellence Award.

ACP National Activities: Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ 1992; Fellowship 2004; Recipient, Laureate Award 2020

Other Appointments/Activities: Board Member, Asociación puertorriqueña del Pulmón; Past President, Asociación puertorriqueña del Pulmón; Member, Puerto Rico Pulmonary Society; Associate Professor, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine; Associate Professor, San Juan Baustista School of Medicine; Director, Home Oxygen and Home Ventilation Program; Director, San Juan Veterans Hospital; Chair, Home Oxygen Committee

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Pulmonary Disease: Pleura disease, long term oxygen therapy and home ventilation; Sleep Medicine: Key faculty of the first Sleep Medicine fellowship program in Puerto Rico, July 2020