
Prairie Provinces Chapter Governor, Irene Ma, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FACP, RDMS, RDCS, FAIUM

As Governor, Dr. Ma serves as the official representative of the College for the Prairie Provinces Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about the Prairie Provinces Governor, read her bio below.


Medical School Education: University of Calgary

Post-Doctoral Training: Nephrology; Emergency Ultrasound

Certifications: FRCPC; RDMS; RDCS

Present Position: Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Invited Workshop Leader, What's Important in POCUS - Evidence, Myths and Wishful Thinking, Rocky Mountain/ACP/AMA Internal Medicine Meeting, Banff, AB

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2009; Mentor, ACP POCUS Mentorship Program since 2021; First Author, Abdominal Free Fluid (I. Ma, W.H. Novak, B. Boesch, D. Chick), ACP Online Module 2019; Peer Reviewer, Lung Ultrasound (R. Dversdal et al.), ACP Online Module 2019; Instructor, ACP POCUS Foundational Skills for Internists, Rosemont, IL 2019; Moderator, Point-of-Care & General Medicine Ultrasound, Practical POCUS Matters Panel, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)/ACP/Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Portland, OR 2017; Instructor, Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Internists and Hospitalists, ACP Pre-course, Internal Medicine Meeting 2016-2019; Presenter, Basic Abdominal POCUS for the General Internist, Point-of-Care & General Medicine Ultrasound, AIUM/ACP/OHSU, Portland, OR 2016-2019

Other Appointments/Activities: Director of Ultrasonography and Procedural Skills, Internal Medicine Residency Program, University of Calgary since 2011; Chair, John A. Buchanan Chair in General Internal Medicine, University of Calgary since 2019; Board of Governors, AIUM 2019-2022; Third Vice President, AIUM since 2021 (term ends 2023); Associate Editor, Canadian Medical Education Journal since 2012

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Medical Education (PhD, University of Calgary 2010); Point-of-Care Ultrasound (Emergency Ultrasound, Massachusetts General Hospital 2016; RDMS 2016; RDCS 2017); Clinical Epidemiology (MSc, Stanford University 2001)