
Checklist for Applicants

Please utilize the following checklist as you prepare your application to ensure all materials are submitted in order.

  • Updated curriculum vitae formatted in chronological order (sample CV here).
  • Description of focus and proposed work plan during the GPS period, and plan for use of knowledge gained upon return to your home country (500 words). Applicants who provide clear achievable goals and objectives are more likely to become a Global Physician Scholar

Recommendation letter from each of the following:

  • Dean of Medical School/Chief of Medicine/Program Director. Letter should focus on the strength of the applicant, need in your home country, efficacy of the independent project, and importance of selection.
  • ACP Governor or a Member, Fellow, or MACP from your country of residence (if unable to identify an ACP member, please use the member directory). Letter should focus on the strength of the applicant, need in your home country, efficacy of the independent project, and importance of selection.
  • Physician with whom you have worked with in your country of residence. Letter should focus on the strength of the applicant, need in your home country, efficacy of the independent project, and importance of selection.

* ACP encourages letters to be submitted in the letter writer’s primary language. ACP will engage translation services as required

Host Information: 

  • Host’s First and Last Name
  • Hosting Institution
  • Contact Information

*Identifying a host is not a requirement of GPS. ACP allows candidates to identify their own host if there’s an existing relationship between the two. ACP can match GPS recipients to a host if one is not identified.