In the Clinic is a monthly feature in Annals of Internal Medicine that focuses on practical management of patients with common clinical conditions. It offers evidence-based answers to frequently asked questions about screening, prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and patient education and provides physicians with tools to improve the quality of care. All ACP members and Annals subscribers have full access to this content.
Induced abortion is safe, is common, and reduces pregnancy-related maternal morbidity and mortality. Internal medicine physicians are uniquely positioned to counsel patients on their pregnancy options, assess medical risks of pregnancy in the context of comorbidities, refer for abortion care when the patient desires it, or provide abortion care themselves. Clinicians can also provide anticipatory guidance about what patients should expect if they seek abortion care.
Dementia, or major neurocognitive disorder, is defined as a decline in 1 or more cognitive domains that causes impairment in everyday function. Alzheimer disease is the most common type of dementia in the United States, with an estimated 6.9 million adults who have Alzheimer disease and are 65 years or older. This article discusses the latest findings in preventing cognitive decline. It also discusses dementia screening, diagnosis, treatment, and the quality of life for persons with dementia and their caregivers.
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