
Noteworthy Resources

Well-being Champion Training: Growth After Trauma & Nurturing Well-being

In this recorded session, Dr. Kerri Palamara rounds out all of the learnings from your Well-being Champion training through exercises that facilitate tangible action in navigating and implementing positive individual, community, and organizational change and prioritize clinician well-being in a constantly shifting landscape.

View here!

Mini But Mighty Skills for Well-being

Peer Coaching to Support Individuals and Organizations

Identify core coaching skills and ways to leverage them to support a colleague(s) in need.

View here!

Using Stories to Explore Identity and Enhance Well-being

Share your authentic story. Learn how narrative medicine can expand insight, creativity, compassion for self and others, and connection that supports inclusion and a sense of belonging.

View here!

Communicating Needs for Win-Win Outcomes

Learn to use the Nonviolent Communication model to articulate the relationship between feelings and needs to achieve win-win outcomes in conflict resolution.

View here!

Implementing and Sustaining Change Efforts

Use these resources to implement and sustain change efforts in your organization and community. Curated tools include the Quality Improvement Curriculum and the general Team-Based Care Toolkit.

View here!

Chapter Collaborations

The Chapters Collaboration Calendar is available for chapters to add their programs for cross-promotional and collaborative ventures.

(LeaderNet access required)

Bite-Sized & Mobile-Friendly Learning

Apply positive systems changes skills in 2 minutes or less with ACP's unique mobile-friendly microlearning resources. Learn about Promoting Psychological Safety, Your Circles of Control and Influence, and Standing Up to Bias and Harassment.

View here!

Back to the May 19, 2023 issue of ACP IM Thriving