
From the Trenches

By Brian Lich, Oklahoma Well-being Champion

Though we are all glad to say goodbye to 2020, there is a lot that we should be proud of as we turn to the New Year. Twelve months ago, could you imagine that we as health care workers would be called superheroes? That there would be parades for us all around the country as we took a pandemic head-on? That you would bond with physicians across the world to take on a common enemy? Have you ever felt so close to your colleagues? To your patients? Have you ever had so many patients thank you for the work that you do?

This year, we should be proud of what we have gone through. We should be proud of how we have responded. We did not back down in the face of danger. We lived out the ideal of self-sacrifice. We lived up to our Oath.

2020 will be remembered as a year of pain, strife, and struggle for most. However, in health care, we should be proud. We are in a new frontier of medicine, and we will continue to lead this charge. I am honored to be a part of our group of health care workers amongst this pandemic and may the legacy of our actions live on for years to come.

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Back to the January 15, 2021 issue of ACP IM Thriving