
September 18, 2020

IM Thriving Masthead

Answering the Call for Our Members and Our Communities

The past several months have shown us how vital and necessary the ACP Well-being Champions program is. Clinician mental health distress and burnout will continue to be challenging both during and after the pandemic, and ACP's community of well-being offers needed support and guidance to our members. A consistent Champion presence is crucial as we navigate the uncharted territory ahead, and we are committed to supporting our current Champions in improving well-being in their chapters. Therefore, ACP has decided to delay training a new cohort of Well-being Champions until the spring of 2022, and all Well-being Champion terms will be extended by one calendar year. We hope that this extension will allow you to continue your important work.

In our recent survey, a majority of you asked for help with goals, direction, and collaborative partnerships. We are excited to debut our Well-being Champion schedule of activities and encourage you to for group coaching with Dr. Kerri Palamara by September 30. Please use this schedule and these coaching sessions as a roadmap to guide you through planning activities, interventions, and partnerships.

New this year, we created the designation of Well-being Allies to recognize chapter members who are actively supporting chapter well-being efforts but are not yet trained Well-being Champions. Individuals who have been identified by their Governor for future Well-being Champion training will be included in this category. Well-being Allies will help increase our work's reach and impact while providing even more opportunities for collaboration.

Check out the links below for resources you can use for yourselves or to help others. Please note you will need to be signed into ACPOnline for links to function:

  • Sign up for Well-being Champion group coaching sessions by September 30.
  • Attend new ACP well-being webinars.
  • Read a moving call to action from the family of Dr. Lorna Breen to destigmatize clinician burnout, and check out other noteworthy resources.
  • Discover a new podcast created by a group of Well-being Champions and learn how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion affect clinician well-being.
  • Learn how physicians across the country are taking to social media to share their own mental health struggles in hopes of changing the culture of medicine.
  • Review ACP's latest administrative and regulatory relief advocacy, including our work with CMS to reduce administrative burden and clinical documentation burden.

As always, please join us on Twitter at , post in your , and reach out to us anytime at acpwellbeing@acponline.org

ACP offers a curated collection of physician suicide and depression resources. If you, a loved one, or a colleague is in distress please reach out to the : 1-800-273-8255 and crisis text line at 741-741.


Your ACP Well-being Team

Discuss the news topics above and share advice and ideas with other Well-being Champions in your private forum.