
January 20, 2023

IM Thriving Masthead

Coaching Resources for Well-being Champions

The Institute of Coaching at McLean, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School—among other institutions that promote evidenced-based approaches in coaching—recognizes and promotes the value, efficacy, and impact of coaching to facilitate progress toward change and transformation goals for individuals, groups, and organizations.

In her article, Dr. Kerri Palamara reminds our Champion community that the Well-being Champion training equipped us with coaching skills including listening to understand, reflecting on what you heard, and asking powerful questions. In this issue of I.M. Thriving, we include coaching resources and networking opportunities to support you in your Well-being Champion activities.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please e-mail acpwellbeing@acponline.org with your thoughts and suggestions for newsletter topics and features.

Check out the links below for resources you can use for yourself and others:

  • Visit the I.M. Emotional Support Hub and Video Series to learn more about individual and organizational strategies and resources to protect clinicians' emotional health.
  • Explore Well-being Champion (WBC) coaching resources, including coaching signups, the WBC contact list, a library of well-being interventions, and the WBC journey map. Find out how chapters can partner with WBCs (must be signed in to ACP online).
  • Watch and revisit coaching strategies learned during your WBC training and new skills to grow your toolkit to support you and your colleagues.
  • Find out ways to support a colleague in need using coaching principles outlined by Kerri Palamara, MD, MACP. a new website dedicated to “Compassion Moments: Skills for Patient Care & Self Care” designed by our Utah WBC, Sonia Raaum, MD, FACP.
  • Read about the “Benefits of Coaching” and the “Effect of a Novel Online Group-Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout in Female Resident Physicians.”
  • Learn how to modernize license and credentialing applications to destigmatize mental health, discover clinician well-being initiatives and research studies, and visit the ACP Advance QI Curriculum to guide your ongoing projects.
  • Review Patients Before Paperwork and advocacy updates that affect physician well-being and professional fulfillment.
  • for the ACP Quality Improvement Leadership Training: Best Practices in Engaging and Empowering Clinical Teams in Continuous Improvement (PRE 2310).

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Your ACP Well-being Team

Please log your Well-being Champion activities in your new and improved Well-being Champion Activities Tracker!

Activity Tracker