
Clinical Skills Committee 2024 Webinar

Contact: Rosemarie Houton rhouton@acponline.org Event start

Travel Day

Travel Day Event start

Clinical Skills Committee Fall/Winter Webinar

Contact: Rosemarie Houton rhouton@acponline.org Event start

Hanukkah (Observance begins at sundown)

Hanukkah (Observance begins at sundown) Event start

Performance Measurement Committee

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA Contact: Patricia Siemion tsiemion@acponline.org Event start

Committee Appointments

Subcommittee Webinar #1

Contact: Amy Collins aallen@acponline.org Event start

Council of Early Career Physicians (CECP)

Elections Webinar

Contact: Patricia Moore pmoore@acponline.org Event start

Clinical Skills Committee - Waxman Scholars Webinar

Contact: Rosemarie Houton rhouton@acponline.org Event start

Board of Governors Meeting

Location: Palm Springs, CA Contact: Mary Bieter mbieter@acponline.org Event start

AMA Group of 4 meeting

Chicago, IL Event start
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