
Welcome to ACP’s Guided Fellowship Program

ACP is with you every step of the way throughout your three-year Guided Fellowship journey as we partner with you to grow and enhance your career.

Video: Jumpstarting Your Professional Development with ACP Guided Fellowship

Program Requirements Checklist:

  1. Complete a minimum of one activity in one of the non-CME Pillars of Fellowship annually. By the conclusion of the program, participants must complete at least one activity in three out of the four pillars of fellowship:
    • Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring, or Leadership;
    • Community Engagement and Service;
    • Practice Improvement or Scholarly Activities;
    • Continuing Medical Education (if you take ACP CMEs, the credits are automatically uploaded to your dashboard)
  2. Track completed activities in your personal progress dashboard by June 30 of each year.
  3. Be board certified in internal medicine or neurology and submit documentation of certification.
  4. Be a member in good standing, including being current with ACP dues, for all three years of the program.
  5. Identify and update supervisor information each year.

Pillar Activity Examples

A list of potential activities for each pillar is provided to help you meet the requirements of Fellowship. This list is comprehensive but not in totality. If you participate in an activity not listed that you believe warrants inclusion in the Guided Fellowship Journey, obtain approval from your supervisor and/or e-mail guidedfacp@acponline.org with the details. We are here to help you move forward in your career.

Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring, or Leadership

  • Didactic teaching of medical students, residents, fellows-in-training, or allied health professionals
  • Clinical teaching of medical students, residents, fellows-in-training, or allied health professionals
  • Teaching lecture role for an intradisciplinary or interdisciplinary setting (such as grand rounds or morbidity-mortality report)
  • Program faculty for a lectureship or workshop at an ACP meeting, state, or regional conference, or national or international conference
  • Lectureship or other activities for the lay public with the primary focus being education on a medical topic.
  • Volunteer on a board or committee for a regional, state, or national medical society or organization, hospital board or committee, or other healthcare nonprofit organization
  • Participate in ACP’s Advocates for Internal Medicine Network
  • Volunteer in ACP activities such as Doctor’s Dilemma question writer (national or chapter) poster/abstract reviewer, Well-being Champion program
  • ACP Speaker’s Bureau for an IMIG (Internal Medicine Interest Group)

Community Engagement and Service

  • Create, organize, and/or take part in community healthcare, education, or awareness initiatives
  • Volunteer on a board or committee for a nonprofit with a community service mission 
  • Participate in community service activities

Practice Improvement or Scholarly Activities

  • Author an abstract or poster (case report, research, quality improvement, or high-value care categories)
  • Reviewer for Annals of Internal Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases, or ACP Journal Club®
  • Author a letter or article published in a peer-reviewed journal
  • Reviewer for MKSAP®
  • Serve as a clinical relevance rater for ACP Journal Club or ACP JournalWise
  • Author an article (non-peer reviewed or otherwise) or book chapter
  • Question writer for Doctor’s Dilemma, nationally or chapter or volunteer as a Judge for Doctor’s Dilemma competition at the annual Internal Medicine Meeting
  • Participation in a Quality Improvement Program

Continuing Medical Education

  • Participation in and documentation of continuing medical education (CMEs earned through ACP will automatically be uploaded to your dashboard)
  • ACP’s Well-Being Champions Initiative
  • ACP’s Internal Medicine Meeting
  • Utilization of the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program® (MKSAP®)
  • Participation in ABIM’s Maintenance of Certification program (or the ABPN’s MOC for Neurologists) (annually, if applicable)

Timeline for the ACP Guided Fellowship Program


Participants receive introductory materials


Pay ACP Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ dues


Participants update progress in dashboard by July 15


Participant progress is reviewed


Participants receive email with progress update


Participants’ supervisors receive progress email update


Pay ACP Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ dues


Participants update progress in dashboard by July 15


Participant progress is reviewed


Participants receive email with progress update


Participants’ supervisors receive email with progress update


Pay ACP Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ dues


Participants update progress in dashboard by July 15


Credentials Committee reviews participants progress


Participants complete Fellowship Attestation Form


Credentials Committee review participants’ Fellowship eligibility and ACP Governors approve qualified candidates


Approved candidates are elected to ACP Fellowship

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