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(from the September 13, 2023, ACP Hospitalist)
Sharing the news that you're expecting a baby should be a joyful experience. But for medical trainees, it's often not.
ACP Hospitalist is an online magazine for ACP members covering news and trends in hospital medicine. Single sign-on login is required to access this article.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Spotlight: Ross B. Vaughn, MD, FACP
Learn what experiences solidified Dr. Vaughn's decision to pursue primary care medicine.
Council of Student Members (CSM) Spotlight
Gingerly approaching the bassinet, I rehearsed my workflow. “Pick up baby, insert pacifier, dance the two-step. Repeat. How hard ca…” A bloodcurdling scream stifled the rest of my monologue—Anya's fussing had crescendoed into a full-fledged cry.
Analyzing Annals
Social, Behavioral, and Metabolic Risk Factors and Racial Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in U.S. Adults: An Observational Study
(From the September 2023 Annals for Educators)
Despite a substantial reduction in cardiovascular disease mortality in the U.S. general population, racial and ethnic disparities persist. This study examines the degree to which these racial differences remain once measured behavioral factors, metabolic risks, and social determinants of health are accounted for.
Annals for Educators is a Web Exclusives feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes activities using selected Annals articles to help medical educators in their teaching activities.
Winning Abstracts from the 2023 Abstracts Competition
Orthopaedic Surgery Resident and Fellow Perspectives on Autonomy and Entrustment in the Operating Room
There is growing concern over the readiness of orthopaedic surgical residents and fellows for independent surgical practice upon completion of their training. This study evaluates orthopaedic trainee perspectives regarding barriers to autonomy, strategies for gaining autonomy, and the current state of operative autonomy at a single institution.
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty and Combined Training Careers
Infectious Disease
Infectious disease medicine is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on diagnosing and managing infections. Although most common infections are treated by general internal medicine physicians and other specialty physicians, internal medicine physicians practicing infectious disease medicine are frequently called upon to help diagnose unknown infections and assist in managing difficult, unusual, or complicated infections.
See what makes internal medicine unique and all the career pathways open to internal medicine physicians. Be sure to also explore a day in the life of an IM specialist/subspecialist.
Travel Medicine
Primary care physicians are frequent sources of health advice for U.S. international travelers. International travel can result in new illness or exacerbate existing conditions. Primary care providers should be familiar with destination-specific disease risks, be knowledgeable about travel and routine vaccines, be prepared to prescribe chemoprophylaxis and self-treatment regimens, and be aware of travel medicine resources.
In the Clinic is a feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes practical reviews about the management of common clinical conditions.
Get Involved
Internal Medicine Day is October 28, 2023
Join ACP in celebrating Internal Medicine Day on Saturday, October 28, in recognition of the essential role of internal medicine physicians around the world.
Internal medicine physicians are experts in complexity who serve and lead in many diverse roles and settings. They're critical thinkers who excel in the most challenging and dynamic environments and provide compassionate care for patients throughout their health care journey. They are the cornerstone of clinical care—vital to patients, medical professionals, and the health care system.
Join us and show your pride in internal medicine:
- On social media, share or customize ACP's social media posts. Use the hashtags #InternalMedicineDay, #IMProud, and #IMPhysician. Recognize a professor, thank a mentor, or tell your story.
- Use the I.M. Physician Toolkit for downloadable posters, e-mail signatures, slide presentations, and more; plus, use this as an opportunity to tell us why you love internal medicine.
- Mark your calendar for the #IMDayChat on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Thursday, October 26, at 8:00 p.m. ET, co-hosted by ACP's Council of Early Career Physicians, Council of Resident/Fellow Members, and Council of Student Members.
Become a Member of ACP's Council of Student Members (CSM)
Want to get more involved and ensure your voice is heard? We're looking for new members to join ACP's Council of Student Members (CSM). The CSM advises ACP's Board of Regents and Board of Governors on promoting internal medicine as a career, increasing the value of ACP membership to medical students, strengthening chapter- and medical school–level activities. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2023.
Submit Your Work for a Chance to Enhance Your CV
Enter ACP's National Abstract Competition for a chance to showcase your work at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 in Boston! The deadline for all submissions/categories is 11:59 p.m. ET on November 29, 2023. All those with accepted posters or oral presentations will be eligible for FREE meeting registration.
IMIG Event Inspiration
Value-Based Medicine Event
The internal medicine interest group at the University of California San Diego, School of Medicine in La Jolla hosted a joint panel with the value-based medicine (VBM) interest group. The speakers included internal medicine chief residents and attendings who discussed VBM in their day-to-day practice and how students could become patient advocates/patient-care leaders via internal medicine.
Chapter Chatter
Join the ACP Wisconsin Chapter on November 6, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. ET, for the next session in their narrative medicine series. Participants will learn about op-ed publishing, its intended audience, and structure. All skill levels are welcome, and no pre-writing is necessary, but registrants should come prepared to write about a policy or practice issue that they are passionate about. Expect an opportunity for free writing and discussion in breakout rooms.
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