Hospitals Serve Up Healthy Food
(from the October 2019 ACP Hospitalist)
鈥淲e have that reputation of 鈥榟ospital food鈥 for a reason. Just like a lot of other big industries where you have to feed a lot of people, you tend to look for the most economical products, and the more inexpensive food is not always the healthiest food,鈥 said Lisa McDowell, MS, RD, director of clinical nutrition and wellness at St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor Hospital in Michigan.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Spotlight: Fatima Syed, MD, MSc
(This article is reprinted from the October 2017 issue of ACP IMpact.)
In April 2017, Dr. Fatima Syed worked with her mentor and attending, Dr. Monika Shirodkar, to start a diabetes-focused health clinic in South Philadelphia, serving an underserved population and experiencing first-hand the challenges many face when seeking medical care on a daily basis. The choices that led her down the path to helping others and sparked her interest in health care advocacy began in Syed's youth.
Medical Student Perspectives
Taking a Step Back in Medical School
Medical school has made the last two years of my life some of the best yet. I've gained so much knowledge and experience. I really did not think it was possible to process so much information in such a short time span. I've built relationships that will last a lifetime, and I definitely feel like I am where I am supposed to be.
Would you like to see your article published here? Review the general guidelines for submission and send your essay as a Word document attachment to impact@acponline.org We look forward to hearing from you.
Advocacy Update
ACP Responds to CMS Request for Information on Putting Patients Over Paperwork
(from the September 20, 2019 ACP Advocate)
Solidifying a long-standing initiative to reduce administrative burdens for physicians, the 杨贵妃传媒 has submitted recommendations to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to a request for feedback from the agency.
The ACP Advocate is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that provides ACP members with news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and patient care.
Analyzing Annals
Beyond the Guidelines 鈥 To What Target Hemoglobin A1c Level Would You Treat This Patient With Type 2 Diabetes? Grand Rounds Discussion From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Controversy surrounds the optimal glycemic target for treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). In this multimedia feature, a general internist and a diabetologist debate how to apply recent divergent professional guideline recommendations to the care of Ms. K, a 60-year-old woman who fears the need for insulin therapy and wonders whether she would gain any benefits from tighter glycemic control.
Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine academic journal published by the 杨贵妃传媒 (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world.
Winning Abstracts
Clinical Factors Associated with High Glycemic Variability Defined by the Variation Coefficient in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
The aim of this study was to determine the clinical factors that are associated with an increased risk of glycemic variability in patients with type 2 diabetes so that the clinician is able to identify those patients at higher risk of presenting with hypoglycaemia episodes.
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty Careers
Pulmonary Medicine
Pulmonary medicine is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and management of disorders of the respiratory system, including the lungs, upper airways, thoracic cavity, and chest wall.
Asthma is a common respiratory illness characterized by reversible airflow obstruction with airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness. It affects more than 300 million people globally (1), including 26 million in the United States.
Get Involved
Celebrate National Internal Medicine Day on October 28
ACP has officially established National Internal Medicine Day on the National Day Calendar, which will be celebrated on October 28 each year. This day recognizes internal medicine specialists and subspecialists who are united by a commitment to excellence and who make a difference in the lives of their patients every day.
Join ACP in sharing your internal medicine pride by:
- Flooding the internet with internal medicine pride: recognize a colleague, thank a mentor, or tell your story.
- Using the official hashtags 鈥 #NationalInternalMedicineDay and #IMproud 鈥 in social media posts.
- Joining the #NIMdayChat Twitter chat on October 28 at 8:00 p.m. ET co-hosted by ACP's Council of Early Career Physicians, Council of Resident/Fellow Members, and Council of Student Members.
- Visiting acponline.org/NIMDay for more ways to celebrate, including downloadable materials and social media content that you can customize.
- Following ACP on , , and and like and share our posts.
ACP Council of Student Members (CSM) Call for Nominations 鈥 Deadline Nov. 1
The Council of Student Members (CSM) is currently seeking candidates to fill vacant seats for 2020-21. Nominations are due by November 1, 2019 and details for submitting are included in the CSM Call for Nominations. If you have any questions about the elections, please contact ACP staff at acpgovernance@acponline.org
ACP Abstract Competition 鈥 Submission Deadline November 11
ACP will hold a National Abstracts Competition as part of . The meeting will take place April 23 - 25 in Los Angeles, CA. Abstracts are divided into five categories: Basic Research, Clinical Research, Quality Improvement-Patient Safety, High Value Care, and Clinical Vignette.
ACP Medical Student Members are encouraged to submit! A first author may submit two abstracts to the Clinical Vignette category, and one abstract to each of the Research categories. The submission portal is now open and deadline to apply is November 11, 2019.
ACP IMpact is copyrighted 漏2019 by the 杨贵妃传媒.