ACP Observes Mental Health Awareness Month
ACP recognizes May as National Mental Health Awareness Month and recommends that members check out the I.M. Emotional Support Hub for resources on well-being and professional fulfillment. Mental health resources specific to the challenges of medical students can also be found on ACP Online.
(from the May 2024 I.M. Matters from ACP)
Many physicians will struggle with their mental health at some point in their career, but few will seek care. To help remove one barrier to access, physician advocates across the country are working to revise intrusive mental health questions on medical licensing and credentialing applications, one state at a time.
I.M. Matters from ACP is ACP's member newspaper, providing news and information for internal medicine physicians about the practice of medicine and reporting on the policies, products, and activities of ACP.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Meet the ACP Officers: Isaac O. Opole, MBChB, PhD, MACP, and William E. Fox, MD, MACP
ACP is delighted to introduce our ACP President, Isaac O. Opole, MBChB, PhD, MACP, and our Chair of the Board of Regents, William E. Fox, MD, MACP. Read on to learn about who they are, where they're from, and their careers and hobbies.
Medical Student Perspective Essay
Take a Seat, Build a Bond
As I walked onto the University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus, the hallways buzzed with the energy of a new day. I pushed open the doors to the floor, excited to start my second month with a new team. As morning rounds began, one patient in particular caught my eye. A 71-year-old man with an extensive medical history.
ACP IMpact's Medical Student Perspective series presents essays by medical students about their medical school experience. See possible topic ideas and how you can submit your essay for consideration at ACP Online.
ACP Papers
Annals of Internal Medicine published an updated version of ACP clinical guideline on . The ACP guideline is based on systematic reviews of the benefits, harms, and cost-effectiveness of newer pharmacological treatments for Type 2 diabetes. This guideline also includes a component featuring Dr. Carolyn Crandall, Chair of ACP's Clinical Guidelines Committee.
Advocacy Update
FTC Approves Final Rule Banning Noncompete Clauses for Physicians and Other Workers
The Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ supported the intent of the draft regulation when the Federal Trade Commission issued a proposed rule last year to crack down on unfair noncompete clauses in employment contracts but urged the agency to explicitly include physicians and nonprofit hospitals in the final rule. Since the proposal was released, ACP has helped members to lobby the agency to include that information in the final rule, and to pressure the agency to release the final version.
Analyzing Annals
Putting Adult Vaccine Recommendations Into Action
(from the April 2024 Annals for Educators)
Vaccinations, as recommended by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), are an essential component of comprehensive adult health care. Yet adult vaccination rates in the United States are suboptimal, leaving individuals, and in many cases also others in their communities, at risk for preventable illness.
Annals for Educators is a Web Exclusives feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes activities using selected Annals articles to help medical educators in their teaching activities.
Winning Abstracts from the 2024 Abstracts Competition
Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Practice Points of Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication in pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), with a reported prevalence ranging from 68-84% (1, 2). Many cases of post-operative AKI are preventable and stress the importance of preventative care, especially in this vulnerable patient population (3).
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty and Combined Training Careers
Hematology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the care of patients with disorders of the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic systems.
See the new! internal medicine training infographic and all the career pathways open to internal medicine physicians. Be sure to also explore a day in the life of an IM specialist/subspecialist.
Care of the Patient with Abnormal Kidney Test Results
Blood and urine tests that detect chronic and acute kidney disease are commonly performed by clinicians in both ambulatory and hospital settings. Thresholds for these tests have been established that signal the presence and severity of kidney injury or dysfunction.
In the Clinic is a feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes practical reviews about the management of common clinical conditions.
Get Involved
The ACP Internal Medicine Interest Group Sponsorship Program is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. The program provides funding, resources, and learning opportunities to support medical students and their interest in internal medicine. Don't delay—the application deadline is Saturday, June 1, 2024.
IMIG Event Inspiration
Sports Medicine Panel
The internal medicine interest group at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, organized a sports medicine talk with an internal medicine focus. Sports medicine professionals gave their insights and expertise on a variety of topics and explained how non-sports medicine physicians can apply that knowledge in everyday practice. This event offered students a unique perspective not often taught in the classroom.
Access more IMIG resources on ACP Online, including 60 event ideas for your IMIG.
Chapter Chatter
Advocacy Through a Student's Lens
Sarah Neault, a second-year medical student at Morehouse School of Medicine, shares her experience at both ACP Georgia Chapter's Advocacy Day and ACP's Leadership Day in Washington, D.C.
ACP IMpact is copyrighted ©2024 by the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½.