Medical Student Perspective: Why Medical Students Should Attend Conferences
Attending conferences is not a requirement for graduation. Anyone can succeed in medical school even if he or she never went to a conference. But when I think about all the benefit someone can gain from participating in such an activity, it’s hard not to consider the fact that those who do not attend conferences are missing out a lot.
My Kind of Medicine: Mona Sarrai, MD, FACP
A few years ago, Mona Sarrai, MD, FACP, was completing her residency at a bustling New York City hospital and moonlighting as a salsa dancer. Now, she’s happy to be the only internist within 200 miles of the clinic where she practices in rural New Mexico.
Analyzing Annals: Annals Graphic Medicine: Please Don't Use Patient Names
Is it ever OK to make jokes about our patients?
Winning Abstracts from the 2016 Medical Student Abstract Competition: Podium Presenters for ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2016
ACP congratulates the following Medical Student Members for their outstanding efforts in the ACP National Abstract Competition!
Subspecialty Careers: Nephrology
The word nephrology comes from the word nephros, the Greek word for kidney. Nephrology involves the diagnosis and management of diseases of the kidneys, the contiguous collecting system, and the associated vasculature.

Unhealthy alcohol use, the range of drinking that includes at-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder (1), is common and associated with a range of adverse health and social consequences.
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