
Analyzing Annals: Adult Vaccine Delivery & Recommended Immunization Schedule

Analyzing Annals: Adult Vaccine Delivery & Recommended Immunization Schedule

Adults are at risk for vaccine-preventable disease, but vaccination rates in adults remain low. This survey of U.S. general internists and family physicians assessed barriers to stocking and administering vaccines, as well as physicians' practices in assessing patients' vaccination status.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices presents the recommended immunization schedule for adults aged 19 years or older for 2014.

Review these two articles:

Use this study and this report to consider the following:

  • When and how do you evaluate your patients' vaccination status?
  • Do you know the current vaccination schedules?
  • List the reasons patients refuse vaccination. How should you respond? What do you need to know to provide accurate information and advice to your patients?
  • What are the contraindications to certain vaccinations?
  • Do you know how much it costs to maintain stocks of vaccines in outpatient practices? Have you ever considered how practices pay for vaccinations?

For more information visit the and .

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