
Ask the Program Director: Procedures during Rotations

Ask the Program Director: Procedures during Rotations

Is there a way I can find out how many procedures I will be able to perform during a rotation during my M3 or M4 year?

Program Director 1 Response
Your school is required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) to track the procedures. They have the data.

Program Director 2 Response
If you are interested in maximizing the procedures you perform during a rotation, ensure that you show your enthusiasm and interest not only in doing procedures but in the rotation in general. An attending or resident is much more likely to involve you in a procedure if they feel that you are a great student who is genuinely interested in learning. Become familiar with the procedures, including indications, contraindications, risks, complications, and result interpretation so that you are ready when the opportunity arises. Finally it may be better to choose the rotation in the latter half of the academic year, when residents have had enough time to become proficient at common procedures and are more likely to allow you to attempt them.

Program Director 3 Response
I think asking students who recently completed the rotation is as accurate as any approach. Although if you only ask one or two you may hear about a particularly "hot" or "cold" month. Aggressive students usually end up with more procedures than those who take a passive approach.

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Ask the Program Director is a new feature that focuses on providing medical students practical advice to help them navigate the process of obtaining a residency position in internal medicine. Issues covered include: CV development, writing a personal statement, the Match process, residency program interviews, and more.

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