
Medical Student Perspectives: Why Should You Attend Leadership Day?

Medical Student Perspectives: Why Should You Attend Leadership Day?

Since President Obama took office just over one year ago, the health care debate in Washington has brought to center stage what many physicians have known for some time. The American health care system is broken and in need of thorough reassessment. Major players in health care reform range from insurance companies to professional medical societies, but it is critical that, as the future of medicine, students take an active role in shaping the future of health care. ACP Leadership Day offers just such an opportunity, as well as providing valuable advocacy training and leadership experience.

Leadership Day 2010 will be held May 18-19 in Washington DC and is designed to provide ACP members with an update on the College's priority legislative issues, briefings from members of Congress and White House officials, and an opportunity to meet with your state's elected officials. A special briefing for medical students is also provided, so you should not feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Whether this will be your first ACP Leadership Day or if you are a seasoned veteran to this annual event, you will find that your voice is needed more than ever to help improve the future of medicine. We have an opportunity to be a voice for our patients and fellow students, sharing first-hand experiences about the necessity for changes in health care.

Because our professional careers are just beginning, no matter what the outcome of health care reform, we will be the ones dealing with the aftermath and any impact it will have on our patients. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to improve our medical system!

Tips for Leadership Day:

1. Contact your state to learn about possible funding opportunities to support your attendance at Leadership Day. You will be traveling with your state delegation, so it is important that you coordinate your participation through your chapter.
2. Visit the ACP Website to learn more about our planned events and read up on College priorities and issues.
3. Become an to receive timely updates on health care legislation and stay involved in advocacy throughout the year.
4. If you have questions, contact your regional representative on the .

Matt Rudy
Southeastern Region Representative, ACP Council of Student Members
Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine, 2010
E-mail: mattrudy@gmail.com

Check out more volunteer opportunities.

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