
Time-Restricted Eating in Adults With Metabolic Syndrome. A Randomized Controlled Trial

(from November 2024 Annals for Educators)

Time-restricted eating (TRE) has been shown to produce weight loss and may provide cardiometabolic benefits, but prior studies have focused on relatively healthy adults with obesity. This clinical trial examines the effectiveness of TRE on glycemic control among adults with metabolic syndrome.

Use this to:

  • Review randomized controlled trial methods. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to answering this question?
  • Ask yourself how well the participants in this trial represent the patients with metabolic syndrome that you see.
  • Review the various types of dietary advice that should be discussed with patients with obesity. can help guide you.
  • Consider the potential mechanisms that could explain the findings of this trial.

Annals for Educators is a Web Exclusives feature of Annals of Internal Medicine which includes activities using selected Annals articles to help medical educators in their teaching activities.

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