‘Hospitalist’ And Other Mysterious Jargon
(from the November 23, 2022, ACP Hospitalist)
When you tell someone you're a hospitalist, do they know what that means? Probably not, if a recent study is any indication.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Spotlight: Joshua K. Beverly, MD
Read how Dr. Beverly's career path to become a cardiology fellow was motivated by his desire to make meaningful change in the lives of marginalized populations.
Council of Student Members (CSM) Spotlight
Adoption of the Altus Suite and Its Impact on Residency Applications
The Altus Suite is unlikely to replace the emphasis step 1/level 1 scores previously held but may serve to provide ACGME application committees with another metric with which to assess prospective residents.
Medical Student Perspective
The Sum of Life: A Lesson From the Grave
He was out of time. At 86 years of age, he suffered from worsening atrial fibrillation, mitral regurgitation, and heart failure. As his cardiovascular system slowly deteriorated, so did the rest of his body. His joints ached, his vision blurred, and his strength faded. Still, Jagmohan—my grandfather or as I called him “Grandad”—understood death's eventuality better than most.
Advocacy Update
ACP Advocacy to Prevent Physician Payment Cuts Continues
(from the December 2, 2022 ACP Advocate)
The ý is working hard to convince Congress to take immediate action to prevent unprecedented cuts to federal reimbursement for medical care and is encouraging members to reach out to policymakers as well.
Read the full article in ACP Advocate.
The ACP Advocate is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that provides ACP members with news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and patient care.
ý Position Paper
(from the November 22, 2022 Annals of Internal Medicine)
A new position paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine, advocates for adequately funded policies and procedures necessary to reduce health care disparities faced by incarcerated individuals.
The paper also details recommendations for population segments within correctional facilities, and the necessity to include health care needs in community re-entry planning for inmates. A video accompanies the position paper featuring Dr. Ryan D. Mire, MD, MACP discussing ways to improve the health and well-being of individuals incarcerated in adult correctional facilities.
Read the full article in .
Winning Abstracts
A “Major” Complication of Pink Eye
A 32-year-old man presented with two days of rapidly progressive rash, odynophagia, and cough. His prior history was notable for bilateral conjunctivitis treated a week prior.
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty and Combined Training Careers
Interventional Cardiology
Interventional Cardiology represents advanced training in cardiovascular disease and focuses on the invasive (usually catheter-based) management of heart disease.
See what makes internal medicine unique and all the career pathways open to internal medicine physicians. Be sure to also explore a day in the life of an IM specialist/subspecialist at the bottom of our Medical Student Career Path page.
Preoperative Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery
The goal of preoperative assessment is to identify procedure and patient factors that affect the risk for postoperative complications. Preoperative risk stratification helps health care teams to fully understand a patient's operative morbidity. Careful, directed preoperative evaluation enables implementation of strategies to mitigate specific risks both preoperatively and postoperatively.
Get Involved
Registration includes and access to the full Scientific Program and meeting events. You'll also receive 30 days' post-meeting access to all recorded sessions, giving you more time to learn on your schedule. Join us in person or virtually for only $50. .
Benefit Spotlight
Stay Well-Informed with ACP IM Podcasts
If podcasts are your preferred channel to keep current and entertained, check out our podcasts: , Bedside Rounds, CoreIM, and The DEI Shift. Start listening.
IMIG Event Inspiration
Subspecialty Speed Dating
Appropriately scheduled around Valentine's Day, IMIG members at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Medicine in Memphis organized a speed dating event via Zoom. Instead of dating for the perfect mate, students dated for the perfect IM subspecialty. Trainees chatted with residents and fellows from different subspecialties including gastroenterology, pulmonary and critical care medicine, and cardiology. See more IMIG event ideas.
Chapter Chatter
Delaware Chapter Assists the Underprivileged in Wilmington
For the past 3 years, the ACP Delaware Chapter has partnered with , a local charitable organization started by ACP Fellow, Dr. Vinny Kripalu. Dr. Kripalu wanted to give back to the Wilmington community and has been serving the homeless every Sunday for 13 years. The Delaware chapter members donated food items and warm socks and sent 27 volunteers to serve 150-200 residents a hot meal. It was a great opportunity for Delaware chapter members to work together to help residents in the community they serve. See more.
The membership of ACP is divided into 85 chapters and regions, each uniquely tailored to the needs and interests of its members. See what events are coming up in your local chapter.
“Quiz Me!” Question
Test your medical knowledge each month with questions from The Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program® (MKSAP).
A 54-year-old asymptomatic woman is evaluated during a wellness visit. She has a 35–pack-year smoking history but quit smoking 12 years ago. She has no medical problems and takes no medications.
The Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program® (MKSAP) has been the “go-to” resource for board prep and lifelong learning since 1967. Learn more.
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