
Medical Student Perspective: Submit to /IMpact/

Medical Student Perspective: Submit to IMpact

Submit an essay on your experience as a medical student to ACP IMpact. The Medical Student Perspective series cover a wide range of topics, including things like:

  • advice for new medical students
  • your internal medicine clerkship experience
  • how you are preparing for applying for residency
  • work/life balance
  • maintaining relationships
  • tips for surviving medical school
  • managing your money
  • what inspired you to choose internal medicine

These are just a few suggested topics to help get you started, but ACP wants to hear from you. Here are a few guidelines for submissions. Articles should:

  • be approximately 700-1000 words
  • be grammatically correct and free of errors
  • be written in first-person
  • have a title

The essay should be a humanities piece and not a scientific paper. ACP does not accept scientific papers for the Medical Student Perspective series.

To submit your essay, e-mail a Word document attachment of your article to impact@acponline.org with the subject line: ACP IMpact Submission.

Please note: IMpact staff reserves the right to edit your article. Submission does not guarantee your article will be published.

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