Detecting Unhealthy Drug Use
(from the March 2021 ACP Internist)
The COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing isolation and stress have been associated with a sharp increase in substance use as a coping mechanism, as well as drug overdose deaths.
I.M. Internal Medicine
Spotlight: Peter Saikali, MD
Find out about Dr. Saikali's career path as an IM hospitalist and why interviewing candidates as the site medical director is one of his favorite duties.
ACP Council of Student Members (CSM) Spotlight
Clinicals and COVID-19: Our Experiences and Tips for Keeping Motivated
Adjusting to clerkships is already difficult, but doing so during the COVID-19 pandemic—amidst the uncertainty and disruption that have come to be hallmarks of our experiences—has been a unique and extraordinary challenge.
Medical Student Perspective
Transitioning From Preclinical to Clinical Medicine on Internal Medicine Clerkship
“We're admitting a new patient,” my resident said, checking her beeping pager. “Do you want to take the lead? Do some chart review, and we can see him together.”
Advocacy Update
ACP Policy Paper Addresses Criminal Justice as a Public Health Issue
(from the March 5, 2021 ACP Advocate)
Final in series of policy papers offers recommendations for eliminating disparities in criminal justice policies and practices
In the United States, criminal justice and public health are closely intertwined as disparities in law enforcement, the judicial system and punishment threaten the well-being of at-risk populations. As part of its analysis of disparities and discrimination in medicine, the ý is calling for policymakers to take steps to diagnose and repair these issues.
The ACP Advocate is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that provides ACP members with news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and patient care.
Analyzing Annals
Humanism and Professionalism – Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First
How could a doctor who meant so much to so many take his own life?
Annals of Internal Medicine is the premier internal medicine academic journal published by the ý (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world.
Winning Abstracts
“Sobriety Equals Getting Rid of Hepatitis C”- A Qualitative Study Exploring the Relationship Between Substance Use Disorder and Hepatitis C Among Hospitalized Patients
Persons who use drugs (PWUD) commonly experience complex illnesses, psychosocial stressors, housing insecurity, and stigma, which may play a key role in their struggles with addiction. In a study of hospitalized PWUD with hepatitis C virus infection (HCV), participants described treating HCV as “part of recovery”. These findings led us to explore patient perceptions of the relationship between substance use disorder (SUD) and readiness to engage with HCV curative treatment.
Want to have your abstract featured here? ACP holds a National Abstracts Competition as part of the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting every year. Find out more at ACP Online.
Subspecialty Careers
Gastroenterology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
See all the career pathways open to internal medicine doctors.
Acute pancreatitis is one of the most common reasons for gastroenterology-related hospitalization in the United States. With significant morbidity and subsequent mortality related to both the acute presentation and subsequent sequelae, prompt diagnosis and appropriate management are critical, especially in the first 24 hours of illness. It is also important to accurately recognize complications, such as pancreatic fluid collections and vascular events, and identify a definitive cause so that a strategy to prevent future attacks can be implemented.
Get Involved: Future I.M. Experience May 14 and 15, 2021
Free Zoom-Based Meeting for Trainees
Join ACP on May 14 and 15, 2021, for an exclusive, free Zoom-based meeting for ACP Resident/Fellow and Medical Student Members! Enjoy two days filled with sessions on career planning, clinical skills, and leadership as well as interactive events including an escape room, live podcast, Doctor's Dilemma®, and more. Read more.
ACP Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) Sponsorship Program
Application Now Open for 2021-2022
The Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) Sponsorship Program provides funding, resources, and learning opportunities to medical school groups to support their interest in internal medicine. If eligible, IMIGs receive an initial $200 and up to $1,000 in 2022 based on how many FREE ACP Medical Student Members are recruited at their campus. See more.
New Episode on Mountainlion IM Podcast Series: Surviving Racism
In this episode of the “Surviving Crisis” series, Dr. Aronowitz speaks with Dr. Elise Boykin Harris about racism in her early life, and later in college, while trying to realize a dream she had since she was 5 years old. You can find this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts. .
ACP IMpact is copyrighted ©2021 by the ý.