Internal Medicine Interest Group of the Month: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine Internal Medicine Interest Group was started in 2009 by the inaugural class of students led by Ms. Bailey Wilson. In addition to being one of the first interest groups formed at TTUHSC, it has also been one of the most popular groups, with a large portion of the entire student body belonging to the group. The organization is headed by a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer who are second-year medical students elected annually by group members. Additionally, we have a first-year representative who is elected by first-year group members. It has been helpful to have leadership from both years to make sure our meetings and activities are relevant to the two classes and to provide continuity of leadership.
Our IMIG has had some very successful events this year. Perhaps the most successful event was our welcome event for all new students. During the new student orientation, joined by the leadership of the internal medicine department at Texas Tech El Paso, including our faculty advisor Dr. Harry 'Pete' Davis, we sponsored a lunch for all incoming students to discuss the world of internal medicine, encourage students to sign up for ACP membership, and to discuss opportunities in our interest group. One such opportunity we have been able to provide is shadowing in the preclinical years. We have arranged a schedule with the IM department that allows many of our students to get first-hand exposure to work in internal medicine. We have held several additional lunch meetings with various local internal medicine physicians. As our curriculum is organ-system based, we have tried to choose, with the assistance of our faculty advisor, a specialist that matches the organ system one class is studying, which has been well-received by the group members. We are also assisting in organizing and putting on our second annual community health fair. Our IMIG sponsors a booth that provides screening for diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. We will also be providing other cancer screening information and counseling at-risk individuals. We are excited to be able to again provide this great service to our community.
Another service activity that we have begun this year is
assisting the El Paso County Medical Society with their production
of the public television program, . This monthly program provides health
information to the community on a wide variety of topics presented
by a panel of local physicians and healthcare administrators. The
program also allows community members to call in questions for the
IMIG president, Michael Osborn (left), Jeffrey Mohlman and Jill Mohlman answering calls on the set of The El Paso Physician.
Our interest group has set up a program to provide volunteers on a monthly basis to answer the phones for the show, and to screen and reply to those questions.It has been a great experience to interact with the medical society and the community. In fact, it is so rewarding that we have to turn away volunteers each month.
Overall, the goals of our interest group include providing information about careers in internal medicine, serving our community, and providing opportunities for students to socialize. I feel that through the activities described we have been able to fulfill those goals and have a successful interest group.
Michael F. Osborn
TTUHSC Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Class of 2014
IMIG President