
Breast Cancer Screening

Percentage of women 50 - 74 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer in the 27 months prior to the end of the measurement period.

Date Reviewed: January 27, 2022

Measure Info

MIPS 112 NQF 2372 CMS 112 NQF Endorsed
Measure Type
Measure Steward
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Clinical Topic Area
Cancer Screening
Prevention and Wellness
Women's Preventive Services

Care Setting
Data Source
Electronic Health Records

Current evidence supports the measure. The specification allows for screening done in the last 27 months of the performance year which helps in the implementation of this measure. The measure exclusions are proper; however, they can be challenging to document in the patient’s medical record. There are some concerns related to patient attribution to clinicians at the individual physician level, as well as feasibility concerns with outside imaging reports being entered in a patient’s medical record to signify that the screening was completed. However, as more organizations move towards team-based care, these issues should be minimal in the future.