The goal of this web site is to help develop, disseminate, and evaluate resources that can be used to practice and teach evidence-based medicine (EBM) for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education for health care professionals from a variety of clinical disciplines. This site includes many free resources including an introduction to EBM, tips on how to practice EMB, teaching syllabi, a list of high quality evidence resources, glossary of EBM terms, and EBM tools for hand-held devices.
A collected series of free, previously published articles on evidence-based medicine (EBM) from the Canada Medical Association Journal.
The Web Page contains references, bibliographies, tutorials, glossaries, and on-line databases to guide those embarking on teaching and practicing evidence-based medicine. It offers practice tools to support critical analysis of the literature and MEDLINE searching, as well as links to other sites that help enable evidence-based medical care. This site’s resources are mostly free.