Decision Making In Perioperative Medicine: Clinical Pearls, Second Edition
Master perioperative risk assessment. Optimize surgical outcomes. Decision Making in Perioperative Medicine: Clinical Pearls, Second Edition, focuses on the critical process of assessing and managing patients with medical comorbidities before undergoing surgical procedures.
List Price $72.00
Member Price $ 58.00

Teaching and Coaching in the Hospital
Transform your inpatient teaching. Teaching and Coaching in the Hospital, the newest volume in the essential , considers the challenges and rewards of teaching in the hospital setting. This invaluable resource provides practical guidance for all medical educators, including a value-added limited audio series.
List Price $55.00
Member Price $ 44.00
All ACP Books
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Teaching Clinical Reasoning

This book provides insight and practical advice for clinical teachers and for program directors charged with introducing the subject of clinical reasoning into the curriculum for students and residents.
Methods for Teaching Medicine

This book explores the traditional methods of teaching medicine as well as those that are more cutting edge and identifies the criteria teachers can use to decide which method to use.
Essentials of Psychiatry in Primary Care

Essentials of Psychiatry in Primary Care guides evaluation and treatment of patients with mental disorders that often present with physical symptoms and provides a framework for effective, structured, and evidence-based mental health care that is associated with improved mental and physical health outcomes.
Practical Office Orthopedics

A unique and comprehensive guide to the evalutation and management of common bone and musculoskeletal complaints.
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2nd Edition

The second edition has been completely updated to reflect the evolving responsibilities of hospitalists.
On Being a Doctor, volume 4

The 4th volume of On Being a Doctor contains the finest selections of prose and poetry from Annals of Internal Medicine from 2007 to 2013.
Quotable Osler – revised paperback edition

Also available in a deluxe, leatherette-bound edition.
Osler’s Bedside Library

A unique volume, Osler's Bedside Library underscores that now, as in Osler's own time, selections from the humanities deserve a place on the physician's list of "required reading."
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