
ACP Immunization Webinar Series

These recorded webinars cover the latest vaccine recommendations for adults and how to utilize the entire office team in organizing immunization services in your practice. This series was made possible by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1U66IP000393-01).

Recorded Webinars

Louisiana Adult Immunization & Quality Improvement for Residents Competition
Recorded Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dr. Robert Hopkins presented a webinar discussing a challenge and competition between residency programs in the great state of LA to increase adult immunization rates. The Residency Training Program for Adult Immunization & Quality Improvement aims to improve the rate of adult immunization by equipping general internal medicine residency programs with the tools to educate clinicians about the clinical science of adult immunization, evidence-based strategies, and quality improvement projects to increase adult vaccination rates.

Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD 
Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and Med-Peds Program
UAMS College of Medicine 
Little Rock, Arkansas

ACP Quality Connect's Adult Immunization Learning Series: Influenza
Recorded Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dr. William Schaffner presents the  2016 – 2017 influenza season recommendations and shares strategies for reaching your patients over 65 years,  including information on the high dose influenza vaccination.

William Schaffner, MD, MACP
Professor of Preventive Medicine, Department of Health Policy
Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, TN

Communicating Risk-Benefit of Vaccination to Patients
Recorded Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This webinar will help you and your staff become advocates in helping patients navigate the relationship between public health goals and individual benefit and risk. Receive practical guidance on how and why vaccines are important in your patients' lives.

Marie Brown, MD, FACP
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
ACP Governor Illinois Northern Region

Applying Quality Improvement Principles to Immunization
Recorded Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Learn how quality improvement principles can reduce errors, improve physician efficiency and ultimately enrich the care for patients.

Doron Schneider, MD
Medical Director, Center for Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality
Abington Memorial Hospital
Abington, PA

Efficient Vaccine Ordering
Recorded Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vaccines are a large financial burden on medical practices so it is important to discover every opportunity to save money on your vaccine purchases. Learn how to optimize ordering with manufacturer discounts/bulk ordering, returning unused vaccines, and other money-saving options.

Kathryn Eiler, CMM
Pain Medicine Specialists, P.C.
Chalfont, PA