Congressional News and Perspective
As Congress Temporarily Averts Shutdown, ACP Advocates for Resolution to Be Reached When Stopgap Period Ends
A government shutdown could harm the U.S. medical system, even affecting Medicare payments to physicians.
Advocacy in Action
Meet Dr. Shakaib ‘Shak’ Rehman, 2023 Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award Winner
Dr. Rehman has organized Arizona Hill Day for many years and has developed training tools for effective advocacy.
ACP Calls on Pharmaceutical Manufacturers to Engage in Medicare Drug Price Negotiation
Joins in friend-of-the-court brief against lawsuits challenging Medicare's ability to negotiate prices, as authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Quick Hit
ACP is calling on internal medicine physicians to email your member of Congress to support the implementation of a new Medicare add-on code G2211, that will bolster continuity and coordination of care. A sample email message to members of Congress is provided for you that includes space for you to personalize the letter.
Visit ACP’S to learn more and to take action.
In Case You Missed It
Potential MIPS Penalties for Physicians in 2024
CMS released the 2022 MIPS performance feedback on August 10. The reports determine whether physicians will receive a positive, neutral, or negative payment adjustment in 2024 for Medicare services provided in 2022. There are concerning reports of physicians facing MIPS penalties in 2024 for the first time since the program began.
ACP strongly urges physicians to review your information as soon as possible.
If you identify any errors in your performance feedback, you should consider submitting an appeal, also called a targeted review. Instructions on how to request a targeted review can be found in the . The deadline for submitting a targeted review is 8 PM ET on October 9, 2023.
Additionally, your input could help inform ACP's advocacy against Medicare physician payment cuts in 2024. If you are comfortable doing so, consider sharing your de-identified scores and corresponding payment adjustment information with ACP. The data will help us better understand the impact of MIPS on physician payment in 2024 and enable us to advocate more effectively with the administration and Congress to ensure physician payments support high-value care for Medicare patients.
Physicians can access their 2022 MIPS Performance Feedback information on the using their HCQIS Access Role and Profile (HARP) credentials. For guidance on accessing and downloading performance feedback, please consult the .
If you have any questions, require further assistance, or want to share your data, please contact Sarah Crossan, ACP Regulatory Affairs Associate at
Apply to be an Intern in ACP's Washington, DC Office
The 2024 ACP Health Policy Internship application cycle is now open through Oct. 31. The annual internship program provides an opportunity for ACP Resident/Fellow and Medical Students members to learn about the legislative process, health policy, and advocacy in organized medicine. Interns will assist with researching and analyzing current issues in health and medical education policy, on-going advocacy initiatives, and the development of advocacy materials. Interns will have the opportunity to attend congressional hearings, coalition meetings, and accompany government affairs staff to meetings and events with members of Congress. The internship lasts from April 29 to May 23, 2024, and pays a $4,000 stipend. Find additional information and application instructions on ACP's website.
Advocacy News From ACP
An opinion piece for ‘Stat News,’ written by Dr. Omar T. Atiq and other physician leaders, discussing changes faced by physicians such as burnout, staffing shortages, financial challenges, administrative burdens.
An opinion piece for Healthcare Dive written by Dr. Omar T. Atiq and Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize discussing the new Medicare add-on code, G2211 and why it is important for internal medicine physicians to be appropriately compensated.
ACP letter in support of H.R. 766 and S. 114, the Preventive Health Savings Act
Letter in support of legislation would enable the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to capture the cost-savings associated with preventive health care legislation more accurately.
Joint letter in support of H.R. 4775, the Helping Tobacco Users Quit Act
Joint letter in support of legislation ensuring all Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program enrollees have access to the full array of evidence-based tobacco cessation treatments, including all Food and Drug Administration approved medications.
Joint Letter to CMS Regarding CY 2024 MPFS Proposed Rule SDOH Data Proposals
Letter to support collecting and using data to address social determinants of health (SDOH).
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