Patients Before Paperwork
ACP Rolls Out Tools to Help Physicians Use New E/M Codes
Toolbox of resources provides quick, easy tips and examples to bring physicians up to speed in implementing the new codes.
ACP Policy News
ACP Policy Paper Addresses Criminal Justice as a Public Health Issue
Final in series of policy papers offers recommendations for eliminating disparities in criminal justice policies and practices.
Congressional News and Perspective
As Public Option Bills Considered in Congress, ACP Reiterates Support for Universal Coverage
Reintroduced Medicare-X bill would phase in a public option during the next four years.
Quick Hits
ACP Member Participation Needed for Upcoming RUC Survey
In 2019, ACP members were instrumental in advocating for code selection and valuation changes for the outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) codes through the RUC process. Thanks to ACP members, outpatient E/M codes are now more reflective of the resources needed to effectively care for patients. In light of possible revisions to inpatient/observation E/M services, a nationwide program to vaccinate against COVID-19, and changes to other services provided by internists, your help is needed once again. You may be selected to participate in a survey in the coming days. If you are selected, your participation is crucial to ensuring that valuations for these services accurately reflect the work that you do. Click here for more information about the RUC process and its importance to ACP.
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