
December 6, 2024

ACP Advocate

Congressional News and Perspective

As End of Year Approaches, ACP Urges Congress to Pass Prior Authorization Reform Legislation

The Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act enhances elements of a final rule mandating Medicare Advantage plans expedite the prior authorization process.

ACP and the AMA

ACP Achieves Win at AMA House of Delegates Meeting With Passage of Report to Initiate Reform of RVS Update Committee

The RUC makes recommendations to CMS on how to value a physician's work.

In Case You Missed It

ACP is calling on you to contact your members of Congress to ask them to support and pass the Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act. This legislation would streamline the prior authorization approval processes in Medicare Advantage (MA), providing greater transparency within the MA program and consequently protecting patients from unnecessary delays in care and easing administrative burden on physicians.

Visit to learn more and take action. A sample email message is provided for you that includes space for you to personalize the letter. Join the Advocates for Internal Medicine network to receive ACP's action alerts directly and advocate for the interests of internal medicine in Washington.

Quick Hits

Advocacy News

ACP Letter to Congressional Appropriators Supporting Year-End Funding Priorities For Fiscal Year 2025
Letter in support of passing bipartisan appropriations legislation, to both avoid a federal government shutdown and to extend and fund important programs to further expand access to primary care services for all Americans.

Joint Coalition Letter to Congressional Appropriators Supporting Funding for the National Institutes of Health for Fiscal Year 2025
Joint letter in support of finalizing the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies spending bill by the end of the calendar year with a robust investment in the NIH, which plays an important role in our nation's public health and international leadership.

ACP Support Letter for Reauthorizing the National Health Service Corps and the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program
Letter expressing strong support for reauthorization and funding for the National Health Service Corps and the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education program, which face expiring authorizations of mandatory funding at the end of 2024 and are vital federal health programs designed to expand access to primary care services and the primary care physician workforce.

Joint Letter Supporting Fiscal Year 2025 Funding for Title VII Health Professions Programs
Joint letter in support of providing highest possible funding for Title VII Health Professions Programs, which have proven successful in recruiting, training, and supporting health care workers critical to addressing the nation's health needs.


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