
2015 Archives

December 18, 2015

Improving Meaningful Use, Insurance Network Guidelines, and the AMA Interim Meeting

In this issue: ACP sends a letter to CMS on Meangingful Use requirements; ACP encourages physicians in state advocacy on adoption of new guidelines governing networks of physicians, hospitals, and other providers; Highlights from the AMA Interim meeting in November.

December 4, 2015

ACP's Input on MACRA Implementation and Concerns Over Insurance Mergers

In this issue: ACP responds to a request for information (RFI) from CMS on implementation of MACRA, which replaced the SGR earlier this year; ACP communicates its concerns to the Department of Justice Antitrust Division over pending mergers between some of the largest U.S. health insurance companies.

November 13, 2015

News on Medicare Payments to Physicians in 2016

In this issue: ACP reviews the 2016 Physician Fee Schedule; An overview of the budget deal from the perspective of health care; ACP releases a paper on direct patient contracting practices.

October 30, 2015

Next Round of ACA Enrollment, ACP's Grant from CMS

In this issue: The third open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act kicks off on Sunday; ACP receives a grant from CMS for a project to transform clinical practices to improve patient outcomes and drive down cost.

October 16, 2015

Preserving the Primary Care Bonus, ACP's Paper on Retail Clinics, and Rising Drug Costs

In this issue: ACP puts the pressure on legislators to keep the primary care bonus; A new position paper on the role of retail health clinics; Prescription drug pricing is fraught with issues, which led to ACP joining the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing earlier this year.

October 2, 2015

Putting Patients Before Paperwork, ACP on Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Medicaid Expansion

In this issue: ACP unveils its Patients Before Paperwork initiative which pushes for reforms to reduce burden on physicians; ACP weighs in on the California bill on physician-assisted suicide, pushing against the medicalization of suicide; New census data shows more Americans have health insurance, and ACP pushes for Medicaid expansion to continue the trend.

September 18, 2015

ACP Advocacy Priorities, Telemedicine Usage, and Immigration Reform

In this issue: A look at what Congress has on its plate for the remainder of the year and how it affects ACP advocacy; ACP's recently published position paper on the use of telemedicine in primary care settings; Given recent conversation on the campaign trail, ACP reaffirms its position on undocumented immigrants.

September 4, 2015

ICD-10 Implementation on the Horizon, ACP's Centennial, and 50 Years of Medicare/Medicaid

In this issue: Several physician members of ACP discuss how they have been gearing up for the switch to ICD-10 on October 1st; ACP celebrates 100 years and discusses how advocacy has changed as part of the College during that time; ACP reflects on 50 years of the Medicare/Medicaid programs and how they have changed health care for physicians and patients.

August 21, 2015

ACP Responds to 2016 Proposed Fee Schedule, Publishes Position Paper on Behavioral Health

In this issue: ACP's response to the 2016 Proposed Fee Schedule focuses on payment for advance care planning, chronic care management, and value-based payment implementation; ACP's recent position paper focuses on behavioral health as a component of primary care.

July 17, 2015

ACP Applauds Supreme Court, Engages with Congress on Chronic Care

In this issue: Coverage of ACP's response to Supreme Court decisions on the tax subsidies provided through the Affordable Care Act and same-sex marriage; A review of efforts being made to improve care for individuals with chronic conditions.

June 26, 2015

A Final Rule on ACOs, Richard Neubauer Award Recipient, and ACP at the AMA Annual Meeting

In this issue: CMS releases a final rule on regulations for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); Dr. Robert Allison receives this year's Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award; ACP plays a major role at the AMA Annual Meeting with a number of successes on various topics.

June 12, 2015

What Can ACP Tell Me About Alternative Payment Models?

In this issue: A look at ACP's 2015 Leadership Day as members converged in Washington, DC to present their message to our nation's leaders; A review of Alternative Payment Models (APMs), one of two options for practices moving forward following SGR repeal; ACP's health policy advocacy internship for residents and medical students.

May 22, 2015

LGBT Care Recommendations, Info on the MIPS, and ACP's New Leadership

In this issue: ACP issues a new policy paper with recommendations to improve the quality of care for LGBT patients; Big decisions will be made in the coming years as physicians choose between alternative payment models (APMs) and the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS); Take a look at ACP's new leadership - Dr. Wayne Riley serves as president and Dr. Tanveer Mir serves as chair of the Board of Regents.

May 8, 2015

ACP's Advocacy Agenda, Embracing the Post-SGR Era, and New E-Cig Policy

In this issue: ACP lines up its advocacy agenda following success with SGR repeal; The new payment pathways available to physicians provide options for the future; The College releases a new policy paper concerning Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems.

April 17, 2015

The SGR Repealed, Health IT Interoperability, and Changes to Short-Term Hospital Stays

In this issue: The SGR has finally been repealed in a 92-8 vote on the bipartisan Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act; ACP provides input on the government's proposed "road map" toward interoperability in health IT; MedPAC plans to suggest changes to rule on short-term hospital stays.

April 3, 2015

Developments on SGR Repeal and ACP's Dynamic Guide for Congress

In this issue: The Senate took recess without passing legislation on SGR Repeal, and they're set to return on April 13 - the issue looks at the House vote, the legislation itself, and the probable effects of legislation. We also go over how doctors might move forward without the SGR; We also cover ACP's Dynamic Guide for Congress, with up-to-date details on important legislative updates for health care issues that are important to internists.

March 20, 2015

ACA Enrollment Figures, New Study on Physician Shortage, and ACP on Firearms

In this issue: A bill for SGR repeal has been introduced in the house; ACA enrollment numbers look good after the second open enrollment period; A new report details a looming physician shortage in the United States; ACP joins with other organizations calling for action on the public health issue of firearm-related injuries and death.

March 6, 2015

ACP Weighs In on President's Budget Proposal, King v. Burwell, ICD-10, and Surgeon General

In this issue: ACP keeps a close eye on budget negotiations between the President and Congress; King v. Burwell takes the spotlight at the Supreme Court, and ACP files an amicus brief; ICD-10 approaches and physicians need to be prepared; The US Surgeon General, Vice Admiral Vivek Murthy, MD, an ACP member, discusses his priorities.

February 20, 2015

ACP Offers Recommendations to CMS, Coalition on Rx Pricing, and Progress in Health IT

In this issue: ACP and other groups send a joint letter to CMS with concerns over the Medicare Shared Savings Program and Accountable Care Organizations; The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing shines a spotlight on high drug costs; New efforts on the health IT front focus on interoperability to make medical technology more of a help to doctors and patients than a hindrance.

February 6, 2015

Value-Based Medicare Reimbursement, ACP's 2015 Legislative Priorities, and 2014 Advocacy Wins

In this issue: Medicare plans to change the way physicians are reimbursed in an effort to emphasize value in the care given to patients; Though Congress is often in gridlock, ACP is lining up legislative goals for the year; Though 2014 was a difficult year in Washington, ACP was still able to gain achievements on several fronts.

January 23, 2015

The ACA's 2015 Challenges, ACP on Clinical Documentation, and Ending Site of Service Fees

In this issue: The Affordable Care Act is set to face several challenges in 2015, including consideration of subsidies in federal exchanges by the Supreme Court and initial fines for noncompliance; ACP's Medical Informatics Committee released a paper that tackles reform of the clinical documentation system so that coding and compliance rules don't interfere with the best patient care; As a member of the Alliance for Site-Neutral Payment Reform, ACP is advocating for reform that would remove site-of-service fees.

January 9, 2015

States Tackle Pay Parity & Medicaid Expansion, ACA Programs Helping Cut Hospital-Acquired Conditions

In this issue: As a new Congress starts, states start considering state-based solutions to replacing the federal Medicaid Pay Parity program and Medicaid expansion as a whole; A federal report reveals how ACA programs may contribute to a decrease in hospital-acquired conditions; Estimates show that 10 million have gained health insurance coverage since open enrollment started - we take a look at how progress has been made and could be made in the future.