
Resolution 3-S16. Delineating Limits to the Corporate Control of Medical Practice

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(Sponsor: Pennsylvania Chapter; Co-Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter)

WHEREAS, the corporate control of medical practice has grown exponentially in the past two decades; and

WHEREAS, all states in the United States have laws prohibiting the corporate practice of medicine; and

WHEREAS, the corporate control of medical practice is eroding the foundations of medical professionalism and contributing to physician and other clinician burnout; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Regents takes action to delineate specific limits for the corporate control of medical practice; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Board of Regents advocates for requirements to assure that practicing physicians, i.e. physicians who devote at least 25% of their time to the clinical care of patients, constitute at least 40 % of the voting members of the governing boards for healthcare systems and health insurers and that a majority of these board be physicians.