Contribute Clinical Images and Video to MKSAP
One-time Contribution
ACP members are invited to submit clinical images and video for inclusion in the next edition of ACP’s Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP). MKSAP is a comprehensive learning management system that helps established Internal Medicine physicians keep up to date in Internal Medicine, prepare for and maintain certification, and earn CME credits. ACP members can help enrich the next edition of MKSAP by submitting digital images and video showing examples of clinical findings. Electrocardiograms, point-of-care ultrasonography, and photographs of dermatologic presentations in a spectrum of skin tones are especially welcome.
If your image or video is selected to appear in MKSAP, you will be acknowledged on the MKSAP digital platform. Contributors of images and videos added to MKSAP’s multimedia bank will also receive a letter confirming your contribution and a suggested citation for your CV.
The Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ strives to embody a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization that facilitates effective and respectful interaction among individuals who hold a broad range of views, and respect, empathy, and understanding of others. We encourage image and video submissions from diverse groups, backgrounds, and practice settings.
A cover letter assuring no prior publication of the photograph and providing permission from the contributor for MKSAP to publish the image should accompany all submissions. The letter should also contain the contributor's name, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, mailing address, and telephone number. Contributors must sign over copyright permission to the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ before publication. Contributors who do not find copyright assignment acceptable should refrain from submitting images and video for consideration. We make every effort to anonymize clinical images and video. For images or video in which the patient cannot be deidentified, a signed release form will be required for the patient to grant permission for their likeness to be published.
To submit images and video, or to ask questions, please contact Assessment and Education Programs: We look forward to receiving your submissions.