In this Issue:
- From The Governor
- Highlights from the National Meeting: IM Week 2024
- From the Scientific Meeting:
- ACP National Council of Resident and Fellow Members
- First AF ACP Lean In Circle
- Want To Help Understand Physician Burnout?
- Member Spotlight
- 2024 Chapter Excellence Awards
- Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
- New Chapter Members
- Mark Your Calendar!

Col Angelique N. Collamer, MC, USAF, FACP, ACP Governor
From The Governor
Hello ACP Members! It was wonderful seeing many of you at the National meeting in Boston this April. I am sending many good wishes to all of you who are embarking on new adventures this summer as you start or end an internship, residency or fellowship program, assume an attending role for the first time, PCS to a new duty station, venture into civilian practice, retire from military service, or provide much needed continuity in your practice, clinic, service or volunteer work. My thoughts are with all of you, no matter what phase you may currently find yourself in.
As we approach graduation, our chapter is looking for new Medical Students, Residents and Fellows who would like to serve as Chapter leaders. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please reach out to me!
Our 2024 Tri-Service Planning Committee is in full preparation mode for our planned September meeting in San Antonio. A big Thank You to Dr. Joseph Yabes who has taken the lead as our Air Force Chapter Meeting Planner! Please feel free to reach out to either of us with questions at triserviceacp1@gmail.com. We are really looking forward to bringing our military chapters together again for a fantastic reunion and educational experience. Do block September 23rd through 25th in your schedules for the Monday through Wednesday meeting. The conference will be held live at the San Antonio Marriott Northwest. Advanced hotel registration is available .
On a National level, the ACP Board of Governors has been advocating and working for you on innumerable policy issues and grappling with the many challenges that internal medicine physicians face in the current healthcare climate. The rapid introduction of AI into our patient encounters, the growing momentum over physicians' rights to unionize and the takeover of many of our healthcare institutions and systems by private equity companies have been main topics of conversation. I appreciate all of you who provided feedback on the proposed resolutions for the spring Board of Governors meetings. Please continue to send your input my way so I can ensure the voice of military medicine is well represented as we debate these crucial issues.
While we live in a rapidly changing environment, the pace of policy change and even written guidance inside our military facilities can take years. I strongly believe that the best way you can advocate for internal medicine and your patients is by being a physician leader daily on your teams, in rounds, in the clinic and with whatever administrative forces you may be facing. Don't hesitate to speak up and advocate for yourself, for physicians, for the practice of Internal Medicine and, most importantly, for your patients. Stay Strong and Aim High!
Thank you again for your continued involvement in our chapter and its activities. We couldn't be successful without your dedication and support. Best wishes for a wonderful summer and I hope to hear from you soon, whether in-person or virtually.
Highlights from the National Meeting: IM Week 2024
Many of us participated in the National ACP meeting this April in Boston. Below are just some of the outstanding accomplishments of our members.
We honored our recent Laureate award winners, Masters of the ACP, and new Fellows at Convocation. It was a significant moment honoring many from all our military chapters. Congratulations to all who were recognized!

Col (ret) Theodore Freeman was inducted as a new Master of the ACP. It is an honor to be recognized for Mastership in the ACP, a distinction that recognized an individual's lifetime work.
Dr. Heather Yun was recognized as our 2022 awardee of the Rechell G. Rodriguez Award for Mentorship of Women in Medicine and Dr. Jamie Geringer was inducted as a new fellow of the ACP.
For new FACP members, please take the opportunity to participate in convocation if you are able during the three years following election! The ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments and connect with colleagues.
Many of our members played a significant role in the National meeting; congratulations to Dr. Jaimie Geringer, Dr. Lacy Lowry, Dr. Sarah Schall, Dr. Timothy Sterling, Dr. Julia Timm Intili and Dr. Heather Yun who gave scientific presentations. Apologies for anyone I may have missed!
Our chapter is full of talented individuals and as your Governor I will do my best to recognize as many of you as possible. Please contact me with your ideas and nominations for the distinctions of Master of the ACP and for 2024 Laurette awards for our chapter.
The College offers 23 national awards and a number of Masterships each year. Nomination information can be found here.
From the Scientific Meeting:
Our chapter had many resident, fellow and early career physician presentations! Just a few are featured here:

Our Chapter's Winning Resident Clinical Vignette Podium: Dr. Emma Marshall, WPAFB - A Case of Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in an After Local Anesthetic with Epinephrine Injection

Our Chapter's Winning Resident Quality Improvement Podium: Dr. John Arthur and Dr. Rachel Cox, WPAFB – An Educational Workshop to Improve Feedback Perceptions in an Internal Medicine Residency
Our Chapter's Winning Resident High Value Care Podium: Dr. Bryan Harper, WPAFB – Increasing Identification and Engagement of Patients with Obesity Ready for Lifestyle Modifications
Our Chapter's Winning Resident Clinical Research Podium: Dr. Erin Currey, WPAFB – "That was really hard for me to watch": Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student Experiences of Death/Dying in the Clerkship Year
Our Chapter's Winning Resident Well Being and Professional Fulfillment Podium: Dr. Alicia Latta, WPAFB - Internal Medicine Resident Perceptions of the Role of the Patient Census

Dr. Daniel Slack from Travis represented our Early Career Physicians with his fantastic poster: Checkpoint Choke-up: Eosinophilic Esophagitis Interrupts Dinner Plans!

Strong Representation from Team Wright Patterson this Year! Congratulations to all and their Program Director, Dr. Kathyrn Burtson!
Doctor's Dilemma 2024

The Keesler AF Doctor's Dilemma Team: Dr. Emanuel Keiler, Dr. Ethan Arnold and Dr. Albert Dizon and Program Director Dr. Amanda Deans.
Uniformed Service University Class of 2024 Arnyce Pock Air Force ACP Award

2d Lt Joy Abraham received the 2024 Arnyce Pock Air Force ACP award at the USU graduation awards ceremony in May. She has chosen Internal Medicine as her career, and we look forward to her continued growth and contribution to Air Force Medicine at the Keesler Internal Medicine training program. Congratulations Joy!
ACP National Council of Resident and Fellow Members
Congratulations to Capt Matthew A. Soderstrom from SAUSHEC Internal Medicine who was elected to the National Council of Resident and Fellow Members! Thank you for representing military medicine!
Dr. Soderstrom presenting at IM Week 2023
First AF ACP Lean In Circle
Dr. Jamie Geringer independently developed a first Lean In circle in San Antonio this May. She reports a successful meeting! Please reach out to Dr. Geringer if you would like to participate or form your own group.

From left to right: Kajal Patel and Cara Hojonoski (rising chief residents), Elena Crouch and Danielle Souza (rising PGY 3's), Jamie Geringer and Courtney Clutter (staff physicians).
Want To Help Understand Physician Burnout?
Our Pennsylvania ACP team is leading a nationwide survey on physician burnout. This is an IRB approved survey. Please help advance this important study by participating:

Member Spotlight
I'm looking to highlight more of our accomplished members in all stages of their careers, so if you would like to see your mentor, student, trainee, colleague, or even you featured, please let me know!
2024 Chapter Excellence Awards

Each year every ACP Chapter is evaluated for their activities and how they support their members. Chapters can be awarded a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Excellence Award based on their ongoing activities and new initiatives. Our chapter again earned the Silver Excellence Award. Criteria include such activities as undertaking efforts to increase visibility of the ACP, holding competitions for members, providing chapter financial reports to members, having Medical Student and Resident/Fellow members on the Governor's Advisory council, retaining members, and giving awards to chapter members. I would like to extend a special thanks to all those chapter members who assisted us in all these endeavors!
Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
Please check out the ACP webpage for more information about fellowship. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
The basic requirements to apply for fellowship are board certification, licensure, clinical practice for 3 years out of residency, and being a dues paying member for the previous 3 years. In addition, additional requirements include other professional activities – teaching, community service, leadership, scholarship, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to achieve fellowship.
New Chapter Members
Let's extend a warm welcome our newest members:
Our Newest Members:
Dr. Kava Afu
Dr. Rajashree Anandakrishnan
Dr. Ashley Barasa
Dr. David Batistig
Dr. Jacob Burlew
Dr. Ryan Carfi
Dr. Jason Corrless
Dr. David Demasters
Dr. Mark Derasmo
Dr. Justen Despain
Dr. Yonatan Dollin
Dr. Stephanie Howes
Dr. James Kang
Dr. Faith Kelly
Dr. Shawn Kim
Dr. Chungting Jimmy Kou
Dr. Bunnarack Kuch
Dr. Robert Landry
Dr. Alicia Latta
Dr. Howard Lee
Dr. Peter C. Li
Dr. Stephen Mazurkivich
Dr. Katherine McCroary
Dr. Raymond Mrozek
Dr. Kevin O'Gorman
Dr. Mayank Patel
Dr. Krista Shaw
Dr. Hayden Springer
Dr. Lauren Sweet
Dr. Oliva Vaughan
Dr. Trung Vu
Dr. Aaron Wolbrueck
Dr. Graey Wolfley
Our newest Resident/Fellow Members:
Dr. Joy Abraham
Dr. Abraham Cooper
Dr. Benjamin Curry
Dr. John Dimodica
Dr. Korosh Hamed Saedian
Dr. Harvey Lin
Dr. Allison Molstad
Dr. Yesol Oh
Dr. Roshin Papaly
Dr. Rachel Pray
Dr. Kristie Roberts
Dr. Adam Sanderson
Dr. Eric Williamson
Dr. Tyler Worthington
Our newest Medical Student Members:
Mohamed O. Ali, Jr
Fatima Sofia Bojorquez Ruiz, II
Jeffrey Bouma
Flor Carcamo
Brendan Carmody
Victor De Leon
Jinbum Dupond
Muhamed Faour
Vgv V. Gg, Sr
Jack Greve
Eungjae Kim
Pallavi Malladi
Nicholas McLaughlin
Gillian Miller
Jennifer Phan
Ajay Saraf
Claudia Studebaker
Mark Your Calendar!
2024 Tri-Service Annual Scientific Meeting
San Antonio Marriott Northwest Medical Center
September 23-25, 2004
The combined AF/Army/Navy chapter meeting will be held in San Antonio from 23 to 25 September 2024. Dr. Joshua Hawley-Malloy (Army Governor), Dr. Nancy Miller (Navy Governor) and I sincerely hope that you will choose this conference as your annual educational meeting and take advantage of the CME and MOC opportunities. We will once again have a dynamic group of speakers as well as breakout sessions, faculty development, poster/podium presentations, awards and recognitions of our outstanding colleagues. It will be a great meeting and I hope to see many of you there!
The registration hub will open soon and the link will be available soon.
Hotel reservations can be made now! A block of rooms is reserved at the conference hotel, the San Antonio Marriott Northwest Medical Center.
Please follow this to make a reservation.
2024 Ohio / Air Force Scientific Meeting
Greater Columbus Convention Center
October 17-18, 2004
Details Coming Soon!